
I teach my 380,000 TikTok followers and 180,000 Instagram followers how to invest and trade stocks . wanna learn more? Check the links below:

SEVEN High Paying Dividend Stocks

SEVEN High Paying Dividend Stocks

It’s Holiday Season! Everyone is rushing to Amazon and Target and whatever brick and mortar stores people still go to (malls still exist?) to buy tons of stuff.

Some stuff will be appreciated, used, or played with … but most stuff. You know it’s gonna end up in the closet. DON’T YOU LIE TO YOURSELF! You know it’s true because if you look in YOUR closet you’ll find piles of shit OTHER people felt OBLIGATED to get you and … well, anyway.

I’m getting off topic. Instead of pissing money away on crap nobody really wants … why don’t you buy the gift that actually keeps on giving: Dividend Stocks!

Earlier today I posted a video on YouTube (not TikTok - that app hates me lately), which you can find here. I know your question: But are these dividends SAFE? Well, if you’re a premium member of Seeking Alpha, they have this great feature where you can actually check their Dividend Safety.

Buy someone some stocks this holiday season. They’ll appreciate it more than a pair of socks.



What Would Your Favorite Fictional Character Invest In?

What Would Your Favorite Fictional Character Invest In?