As a little kid, I knew investing was important when my grandma shushed me as the finance news came on. Later, my mom told me I could own McDonald’s by being a shareholder. I got seriously interested in investing when WWE went public in 1999. As a pro wrestling fan (I wanted to BE a pro wrestler, but I broke my back), I had to invest. In 2003, I graduated high school. My friends got Apple gifts. I had to invest. As a heavy Facebook and Instagram user, when Facebook went public in 2012, I had to invest.

I taught myself everything I know about investing. Now I teach my 430,000 social media followers how to do the same. I don’t sell a course, one on ones, private discord access or paid call outs. I don’t share my portfolio. I want you to be self sufficient. I started making finance content five years ago because I saw an influx of get rich quick course bros on Instagram and TikTok, promising fast and easy riches via stock trading.

But I’m not anti-trading. I’ve been trading full time since 2011. I am anti people promising fast wealth AFTER you buy their $500 course.

That’s why I do this. I wish there was someone when I first started investing who could simply walk me through the complex world of investing without asking for anything in return. I don’t want your money.

I’ve put together my most popular investing for beginners videos in an easy to watch course-esque format.

Happy investing!

Learn How to Invest in FIVE MINUTES. This video covers how and why you might consider opening both an individual brokerage account and a Roth IRA.


What is a Roth IRA?

I talk a LOT about opening two accounts. But why? The Roth IRA is for retirement. It’s for when you’re 59.5+. You CAN withdraw your initial investments penalty free (but that might not be enough if you want to retire earlier). You CAN withdraw profits without penalty for medical emergencies, first time home purchases, etc., OR you can pay a penalty. But what if you want to retire when you’re 54 and ALL of your money is in your Roth IRA? That’s the benefit of an individual account, so you can tap into that money without penalty. Yes, you’ll owe some taxes and yes you’ll owe taxes on any dividends (even if you reinvest), but that’s no big deal. What IS a big deal is: What investments are best for which type of account? That’s what the below video is on:

Which Investments are Best for Roth vs Individual Account?

What is a Backdoor Roth IRA

What is the Three Fund Approach?

Three Fund Approach, but Cheaper!

What is the Four Investment Approach?

How much should you invest? Investing by Percent

4% Rule Explained (for retirement)

Lump Sum Investing or Dollar Cost Averaging?

S&P500 Index Funds - they’re all the same!

How Should you Invest by Age? 🚨 CORRECTION: It’s called REALLOCATING, not rebalancing.

How You Should Invest in the S&P 500


Find ETFs in Any Sector. I use banks as an example, but you can type in Artificial Intelligence ETFs/Healthcare ETFs/self driving car ETFs/etc. - literally anything. Retail, utilities, green energy, pharma, etc. 

How to Use Stock Screeners (TD Ameritrade is now defunct but you can use Seeking Alpha’s screeners)

How to Find the Top Stocks in Any Sector

How to Find War Free/Fossil Free Fuel ETFs


The Entire Investing by Age Playlist (scroll to find your age)

The Entire Investing by Amount Playlist

You Need a Lot of Time or a Lot of Money


What Are Dividends?

Is the Dividend Safe?

Dividend Payout Ratio Explained

How to Enroll in the Dividend Reinvestment Plan (TD Ameritrade is no longer in business but the info still applies)

How to Make Money with Covered Calls

How to Sell Covered Calls

How Covered Calls Work

Covered Calls Pros and Cons

A Great Covered Call Strategy

Make Money By Selling Covered Calls

The Entire Covered Call ETF Playlist

Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)