
I teach my 380,000 TikTok followers and 180,000 Instagram followers how to invest and trade stocks . wanna learn more? Check the links below:

What Would Your Favorite Fictional Character Invest In?

What Would Your Favorite Fictional Character Invest In?

The other day I was sitting around browsing TikTok and I felt a wave of frustration. There have got to be thousands of content creators in the finance/FinTok space with over 100,000 followers all spouting out similiar videos like, “Here are five stocks that are UP this year!!” Or, “Wanna learn how to get FREE GROCERIES from your dividend stocks?!”

Oh wait. Those are my videos. Well … the point still stands. The space is oversaturated. And you know what? Every space is oversaturated. Food? Fashion? Comedy? Finance? Parenting hacks? EVERY space is overwhelmed and one sad reality is because whenever there’s even a shred of original content, everyone else rushes to imitate it. Who is the originator of ANY style? It’s so hard to know, especially because there really are no new ideas.

What can I do that hasn’t been done? That’s the question I’ve been asking myself. I love food. But the thought of becoming ANOTHER food content creator seems like a losing battle. What am I gonna do? Share a recipe that 340243 other people have shared? Go to a restaurant and order sushi? You know who else has done that? Everyone.

Everyone has done that.

So, I was sitting around thinking … what HASN’T be done. Or … what haven’t I seen yet? What do I believe to still be an original never done before concept.

And then it hit me. I know a lot about investing. I know a lot about dividend stocks. And … I know a lot about The Simpsons … and TV in general. I started to wonder, “What stocks would Homer Simpson invest in?”

And the idea was born. Homer is easy. He likes beer. He likes snacks. He likes TV. He’s got kids and takes them to amusement parks. So, I created a new series imagining what stocks our favorite fictional characters would invest in.

Here’s the one on Homer. But there’s a whole playlist for you to enjoy :)

SEVEN High Paying Dividend Stocks

SEVEN High Paying Dividend Stocks