Playlist Content Catalog 

I’ve been on TikTok for a very long time. I’ve been on tiktok for so long that there was a period when you could not film videos over 1 minute long. As a result, you will see a lot of part 1-4 videos in these playlists.

I created this playlist content catalog mostly for me. Here’s why: About a dozen times a week, I get a comment or a DM asking if I could make a video on XYZ. Thing is, after six years it’s very likely I already have made a video on XYZ. But with over six thousand videos, hundreds of which are cataloged in dozens of playlists, how the hell could I ever find them all? So, this is a resource guide for me as much as it is for you.

When someone DMs me and says, “Can you explain candlesticks for stock trading?” I can search for “candlesticks” and say, “Go to the technical analysis playlist and watch videos 2, 13 and 15!” 

And since I get around 200+ DMs a week, BEFORE you DM me to ask if I can make a video explained “rebalancing” you can come here and search. You’ll find #125 under Investing for Beginners. Then you can go to TikTok, find the playlist and watch the video.

Here’s how to use this resource.

You’re welcome! 

Politics + Stocks 

  1. Nancy Pelosi is Worth HOW MUCH?

  2. Investing after the 2024 Election

  3. How to Invest in Affordable Housing

  4. Stocks Under Joe Biden

  5. Political Change takes Time

  6. Did Clinton Cause the 2008 Housing Crisis?

  7. Harris + Stock Market

  8. Tax Unrealized Gains?

  9. Investing for Childless Cat Ladies

  10. Was Trump Good for the Economy?

  11. Trump or Harris: Who Will Be Better for Stocks?

  12. How will Trump’s Policies Affect the Stock Market?

  13. Why Didn’t Joe Biden Get Anything Done?!

  14. Trump’s Tariffs Would Destroy Your Investments

  15. What Elon Said About Trump

  16. Is Kamala Harris Best for Business?

  17. Things Are Going to Get More Expensive

  18. How Taxes Work

  19. Dump You Shares? Why are Markets Up After the Election?

  20. Jobs are not coming back and prices are not going down. Here’s what to do 

  21. Is a Trump Recession imminent?

  22. Should we have universal healthcare?

  23. Healthcare should not be for profit

  24. Healthcare Corporations

  25. Trump will be great for corporations

  26. Trump Tariffs Announced

  27. Universal Healthcare

  28. Venezuela

  29. Trump Won: Here’s what to do if you’re nervous

  30. Inflation’s back??

  31. Are you Worried about CAVA stock?

  32. Why is the Stock Market up 750 Points? 1/15/25

  33. Will Trump Cause a Recession?

  34. Trump Trade War Begins?

  35. Sell Your Stocks NOW Before a Trump Recession?

  36. How to Invest over the Next Four Years

  37. Trump Recession This Year?

  38. Are Trade Wars/Tariffs Good?

  39. Foreign Aid is GOOD for Stocks?

  40. How Foreign Aid is good for America

Investor Stereotypes 

1-6. What Your investments Say About You

Find and Research Stocks 

  1. How to Find Stocks in Every Sector: Cyber Security

  2. How to Find Cybersecurity Stocks

  3. How to Find and Research Stocks

  4. Niche ETF or Individual Stock?

  5. Is Cava the Next Chipotle?

  6. How to Use a Stock Screener

  7. How to Find Halal Stocks

  8. How to find Stocks to Invest In

  9. How to Find Stocks to Invest In

  10. Make Your Own Portfolio 

  11. Most Popular Stocks by Sector

  12. How to Make an Investing Wish List

  13. Find Dividend Stocks the Easy Way

  14. Find Tech and Growth Stocks

  15. Invest in What You Know and Use

  16. Find and Research Small Cap Stocks

  17. Find AI Stocks and ETFs

  18. Dividends

  19. Stop Taking Financial Advice on TikTok

  20. How to Find the Best S&P 500 Stocks

  21. How to Find Stocks in Every Sector

  22. How to Invest in Individual Stocks

  23. Storytime: Why I invest in Chipotle and CAVA

  24. Ready to invest in Individual stocks? Here’s how to find them

  25. How to find the best Tech ETFs

  26. Chicken stocks

  27. Interested in a stock? Do This

  28. How to invest in Quantum Computing

Roth IRAs

  1. Backdoor Roth IRA Explained

  2. New to Investing? Here’s What I’d Do

  3. What Is a Roth IRA?

  4. Early 20s? Do This!!

  5. Retire Early! Here’s How

  6. Investing 101

  7. New to Investing? Here’s what I’d Do

  8. A Roth IRA Is Just an Empty Account

  9. 4% Rule Explained

  10. How to Invest in 5 Minutes (for free)

  11. If You Only Have a Little Money, You Need a Lot of Time

  12. The Best Investors are Dead

  13. Ignore the Finance Dorks

  14. Investing Made Easy

  15. Investing Does Not Have to be Scary

  16. Investing is Easy

  17. You Need Two Accounts AND …

  18. Roth IRA or Individual Account?

  19. Which Investments are Better for Roth IRA or Individual Accounts?

  20. How to Start Investing

Ethical Investing

  1. Ethical Investing: Genocide Free ETFs

  2. One ESG ETF Beats Them All in 2023

  3. Stocks for Environmentalists 

  4. I Was Interviewed by CNBC!

  5. Is Ethical Investing Even Possible Anymore?

  6. War Stocks are Flying

  7. Ethical Investing: NVDA

  8. Ethical Investing: Go Woke Go Broke?

  9. You Just Made the List: Every Company is Evil!

  10. How to Divest from War

  11. Ethical Investing is Tricky

  12. Draftkings

  13. Ethical Investing is becoming harder - United Healthcare

  14. How to find ethical ETFs

  15. Boycott Meta or Something Else (shareholder proposal)

  16. Are Shareholder Proposals Better than Boycotting?

  17. How to Write a Shareholder Proposal

    Investing for Beginners 

  1. Three Advanced Investing Strategies 

  2. What Stocks Are Politicians Investing In??

  3. Avoid These Investing Mistakes

  4. iBonds Explained

  5. DYOR Full Guide

  6. S&P 500 vs Russel 1000

  7. Risk Management Explained

  8. Lump Sum or DCA: Which is Better?

  9. Individual Stocks or Index Funds??

  10. S&P 500 vs Dividend ETFs

  11. Money Mistakes I Made when I was Younger. OOPS

  12. Index Fund

  13. AI Stocks?!

  14. How Often Should you Dollar Cost Average?

  15. Zoom Out

  16. Why I’m Buying ARKK in 2023

  17. Trailing Stop Loss Explained

  18. What is a Wash Sale?

  19. Stock Market is NOT The Economy 

  20. IPO Explained: What is a Lock Up?

  21. IPOs: How do they work?

  22. How to Value a stock 9/9: Free Cash Flow

  23. How to Value a stock 8/9: Fundamentals

  24. How to Value a stock 7/9: Price to Earnings to Growth

  25. How to Value a Stock 6/9: Price to Book Ratio

  26. How to value a Stock 5/9: Price to Sales

  27. How to Value a Stock 4/9: Earnings Per Share

  28. How to Value a Stock 3/9: Price to Earnings Continued 

  29. How to Value a Stock 2/9: P/E Ratio Explained

  30. How to Value a Stock 1/9

  31. You Know More Companies to Invest in than you Think

  32. What Is Quadruple Witching 

  33. You Can Trust Me, I’m Rich …

  34. Don’t Listen to Strangers on the Internet

  35. Get Rich Quick

  36. Don’t Neglect Boring Investments

  37. Let’s Say you Buy Apple Stock and then Get Hit by a Bus

  38. Best Vice stocks

  39. THIS is One of the Worst Things You Can Do (start early)

  40. Where to Find Economic Events

  41. Start Investing Now

  42. Three Mistakes you Might be Making

  43. Buy High Sell Higher?

  44. Diversification

  45. Dow Jones and S&P 500 Explained

  46. Can You Afford to Retire??

  47. Why Were THESE Stocks on My 2008 Wishlist?

  48. Benefits of Long Term Investing

  49. Skechers Stock

  50. Self Taught Stock Trader and Investor 

  51. Why is Ford Stocks Up Today?

  52. Set Attainable Goals

  53. If Your Stocks Are Down 70% YTD

  54. The Stock Market Keeps Dropping

  55. Bad News is … Good News???

  56. How to Form an Investing Wishlist 

  57. What I look at Before Investing

  58. How a Company Stacks Up against the Industry Standard

  59. Investments over the Years

  60. Nobody’s Gonna Retire off of One Share

  61. Investor Mindset vs. Consumer Mindset

  62. Have a Lot of Start Early

  63. Make $2,000 a Month from Your Investments?

  64. Diversified Portfolio Example 

  65. Buy Now or After Earnings??

  66. Why Social Media Stocks Were Down Today

  67. When Investing Goes Wrong

  68. Not Sure What Investments to Consider?

  69. Invest in the Companies You Use or Nah?

  70. Investing is Only for the Wealthy? 

  71. New to Investing? How to Get Started

  72. Stocks I’m Buying in 2023

  73. Lump Sum or DCA?

  74. 10 Years makes a big difference 

  75. Investing: Do You Need a Lot to Start?

  76. Invest in what you love

  77. Do CEOs care about stock price?

  78. My ideal portfolio breakdown

  79. Is past stock performance irrelevant?

  80. Get rich slowly?

  81. Fractional Shares? I’m Not a Fan: Here’s why

  82. If you had money, how would you invest it??

  83. How much time and money you’ll need

  84. The most diversified portfolio ever

  85. How to DYOR

  86. What are commodities

  87. Do Not Fail to grasp this one investing reality

  88. Find the Top Stocks in Every Sector 

  89. Why is Cava stock dropping?

  90. What is your cost basis and why is it important?

  91. New to investing? Do this

  92. New to investing? Don’t overcomplicate investing

  93. Get rich slowly

  94. 3 FREE Investing resources

  95. Investing is Complicated

  96. Free investing template

  97. Make money by lending our shares (collateralized lending)

  98. Investing is Personal. Invest in what makes you comfortable

  99. Stocks i’m buying in 2024

  100. Lump sum or DCA?

  101. New to investing? Watch this video

  102. Should you wait to start investing?

  103. Investing isn’t always one vs the other

  104. Price targets explained

  105. Portfolio weighting strategies

  106. How much can you make from a dividend?

  107. What are stock buybacks?

  108.  Magnificent 7

  109. How a stock gets its price

  110. Trading after hours or pre market (part 2?)

  111. Trading after hours or pre market pt 1

  112. Trading after hours and pre market part 3

  113. HYSA vs Dividend Stocks?!

  114. CD or Stock?

  115. Why Would you Invest when you can just save instead?

  116. The stock market is a scam?!

  117. If you could only pick 1/2/3/4 investments

  118. Should you check your portfolio every day?

  119. Who holds investments for 20/30 years

  120. Before you DM me, do this

  121. When to Take Investment Profits?

  122. Billionaires are dumping shares: What should we do?

  123. Don’t overthink investing 

  124. Trailing stops explained

  125. How to rebalance your portfolio

  126. Time in the markets?

  127. Buy low sell high or???

  128. How to limit investment risk

  129. Want more investments?

  130. Fundamental analysis explained in 60 seconds

  131. Meme stocks FFIE AMC GME

  132. Under 30? Watch this ASAP

  133. Watch if you want to retire

  134. Cant afford the things you want?

  135. The best investments 

  136. When to buy, hold, or sell investments

  137. Individual stocks are bad investments?

  138. How to know when it’s time to sell a loser investment

  139. New to meme stocks?

  140. Short selling pros and cons

  141. Build an investing foundation first

  142. Financial discrimination? Not here

  143. New to investing?

  144. When your stocks go down: research and diversify

  145. Is Gold outdated?

  146. Learn how to invest and trade (for free)

  147. When people react to stock market bad news: buying opportunity?

  148. Buy Borrow Die explained (collateralized lending)

  149. NVDA Antitrust?

  150. How do tariffs affect stocks?

  151. Inflation vs Hyperinflation

  152. Negative net income

  153. 24/7 stock market?

  154. Stop loss or trailing stop

  155. Should you wait to start investing?

  156. Short selling explained

  157. Who loses on a short

  158. What is shorting stock 1/ 2

  159. What is shorting stock 2/2 

  160. Find the perfect entry price for a stock

  161. Is the stock market overvalued? Does it even matter?

  162. Bad news is good news? Elf Cosmetics short seller

  163. Invest or be a burden (caretaking for parents)

  164. 37 Million Americans take care of their parents

  165. Compounding Explained

  166. Worried about Trump?

  167. Sell in May and Go Away? Not anymore

  168. Are Your Investments Safe (SPIC)

Investing by Amount

  1. $1,000,000 Stock Portfolio

  2. How to invest $10,000

  3. Investing Breakdown by Percentage 

  4. If you had a million dollars

  5. New to Investing? Step 1: Have Money!

  6. If you could only buy 10 stocks …

  7. How to invest $1,000: 3 Fund Approach + a Bonus!

  8. $300,000

  9. How to invest $10,000 for Passive Income

  10. Just $300 per Month?

  11. How to invest $200/$500/$1000

  12. How I would Invest $1,000,000

  13. How I would invest $10,000

  14. How I would invest $50,000

  15. Do you want to work forever?

Investing by Age

  1. How I would invest for a 3 year old

  2. What I would do if I was 18 

  3. Investing as a teenager

  4. Mid-20s? Zero investments? Do this!!

  5. Early 20s?  Watch this!

  6. Investing in your 30s

  7. Investing at 35

  8. Investing over 40

  9. Investing over 50

  10. $2,000,000 by the time you turn 60?

  11. Investments I’d make if I were 20

  12. Want $1,000,000? Invest Now!

  13. This is really scary - don’t start at 50

  14. 59 and No Investments or Under 30? Watch this!

  15. You do not want to be the 64 year old

  16. Watch if you have young kids

  17. Custodial Account

  18. Investing at 50 (or 20) years old

  19. Investing Explained, for kids

  20. How to preserve your money

  21. How to invest when you’re 59

  22. Can you retire?

  23. How to retire early

  24. $500,000 + $400 per week

  25. $50,000 + $400 per week

  26. Can you retire? $650,000

  27. $1,000 per month at 30

  28. Mid 20s? Do This

  29. Want $1,000,000? Do this

  30. Investing at 40 vs Investing at 20

  31. Paycheck to Paycheck at 35? Do this

  32. 20-30 years old? What to do if you Don’t have a lot of money

  33. Working at 72 years old?

  34. Buy the stock, not the stuff (kids christmas gifts)

  35. Investing at 40

  36. How I’d Invest if I Were In my 20s

  37. New to Investing? Should You Panic?

  38. How You Should Invest by Age

  39. Invest Now or Start Later?


  1. $1,000 from NOBL

  2. ETF dividend portfolio example

  3. Mock etf portfolio 

  4. $12,000 three ways

  5. Dividend etf??

  6. Make $1,000 from SCHD

  7. Schd

  8. Vanguard high dividend (VYM)

  9. Etfs by sector

  10. 3 dividend ETFs

  11. Expense ratios explained

  12. How to find etfs with low fees

  13. Four dividend paying ETFs

  14. 3 dividend ETFs

  15. One year price target for ARKK’s Top 10 Holdings

  16. Expense ratios explained 

  17. Schd or JEPI

  18. Five dividend ETFs

  19. SCHD vs VYM vs VIG

  20. What’s the difference between SPLG, SPY and VOO?

  21. Dividend ETFs

  22. VYM vs SCHD

  23. Why i don’t own SCHD

  24. SPYG and VOO?

  25. Individual stocks or ETFS: Which is better?

  26. 9% Return? Wake up! 

  27. SPLG, VOO, SPY

  28. ETF Fight: VT vs VTI

  29. The easy way to find AI stocks

  30. Can you only own an S&P 500 index fund? 

  31. Etfs under $20

  32. SCHD vs SPYD

  33. ETFS or 100 individual stocks?

  34. How to find Bank ETFs

  35. ETFs by Sector: Defense, Value, Growth, International

  36. Did you know about this weekly dividend ETF (TGIF)

  37. Etfs you’ve never heard of

  38. 3 emerging market etfs

  39. How to invest in international stocks

  40. 3 fund approach + a bonus

  41. Mutual funds vs ETFs

  42. Make $50,000 A YEAR

  43. Schd rebalance

  44. 3 fund approach, but cheaper

  45. How to trade and invest 

  46. Difference between s&p 500 index fund an a dividend ETF

  47. Make your investment portfolio 

  48. If i could only invest in 1/2/3/4 investments

  49. VOO vs SPLG

  50. Stocks or index funds?

  51. Massive XLK/NVDA news

  52. How to find Any ETF

  53. I don’t like VTI

  54. How to retire early

  55. Dividends are important

  56. How to find etfs with the lowest expense ratio

  57. Defense etfs

  58. Target date funds explained

  59. Is SCHD the best dividend etf?

  60. Five popular dividend etfs

  61. Invest 

  62. Why are S&P 500 funds different prices

  63. Invest by percent

  64. Is VOO or Spy Better than SPLG?

  65. What is the best investment?

  66. The most diversified portfolio ever

  67. The most diversified portfolio ever (repost)

  68. Investing by percent

  69. Inexperienced investors do this

  70. How Should you Invest in the S&P 500?

Covered Calls/Covered Call ETFs

  1. JEPQ

  2. Covered calls explained

  3. Which covered call etf is down the least?

  4. Covered calls explained in under 1 minute

  5. Covered call etfs explained

  6. Jepi or qyld

  7. Covered call etfs explained

  8. $20,000 per year from JEPQ

  9. That JEPI Dividend

  10. Is JEPQ safe

  11. $20,000 a year from QYLD

  12. Covered call etf guide

  13. Make $20,000 from JEPQ

  14. $20,000 from XYLD

  15. $10,000 in each: JEPI, JEPQ, QYLD

  16. Covered call etfs: how to make $20,000 per year

  17. Make $1200 per year

  18. Covered calls for monthly income

  19. TSLY explained 

  20. Make $20,000 from QYLD

  21. SPYI vs JEPI

  22. What are covered call ETFs

  23. $20,000 from QYLD

  24. Yieldmax covered call etfs explained

  25. JEPI vs JEPQ

  26. Covered call ETFs pros and cons (risks of covered calls)

  27. Covered calls explained

  28. QQQI vs FEPI

  29. QYLD vs QYLG

  30. Make $20,000 JEPI

  31. Make money with covered calls

  32. JEPI vs JEPQ

  33. QYLD Dividend

  34. Is TSLY a good investment?

  35. Covered call strategy

  36. How to sell covered calls

  37. $500 per month from QQQI/SPYI

  38. SPYI vs JEPI

  39. How to Sell Covered Calls


  1. Simon property group

  2. Should you invest in VNQ?

  3. Top three REITs

  4. Investing in REITs? AGNC analysis

  5. Realty Income (O)

  6. Other ways to invest in real estate 

  7. REITs that pay monthly 

  8. Mortgage REIT Analysis (MORT)

  9. REITs explained

  10. Big News about STORE CAPITAL (STOR)

  11. Four REITs to consider investing in

  12. Fundrise

  13. 5 High Yielding Dividend Stocks

  14. Four investments I’ve never heard of 

  15. Make $1,000 from Realty Income

  16. Invest in Real Estate with Groundfloor

  17. Earn one share per month

  18. REITs

  19. Dividends Explained

  20. Why I dislike Fundrise

  21. I’m earning 13.8% - Here’s How

  22. These are the mos popular ETFs and REITs on Tiktok

  23. Top Reits

Growth Stocks and ETFs

  1. Best growth ETFs

  2. Wanna invest in AI stocks? Here are a few to consider

  3. One year later: Growth stock follow up

  4. Stocks Cathie Wood is Buying

  5. Stocks that have been absolutely ripping it in 2023

  6. Stocks I own and Will Buy Again in 2023

  7. 5 Stocks poised to grow 35% or more

  8. Could these stocks jump 20% or more?

  9. Stocks that could keep flying

  10. High growth stocks?

  11. Find small cap ETFs

  12. How to find growth stocks

  13. Six growth stocks

  14. 10 massive tech stocks and their one year price target

  15. Alternative energy stocks

Speculative Investing

  1. Lose everything?

  2. Is rivian the next tesla?

  3. What is opportunity cost?

  4. Down 75%? When to sell a mega loser?

  5. Risky investments

  6. Could these stocks skyrocket?

  7. Under the radar AI Stocks?

  8. Speculative investing warning 

  9. What is speculative investing?

  10. Learn from NVDA - Soundhound (SOUN)

  11. When to take profits?

What Would They Invest in?

  1. John Cena’s stock portfolio

  2. Waffler69’s stock portfolio (RIP Waffler)

  3. What Would Rick Sanchez invest in?

  4. What Would Mr. Burns invest in?

  5. What does Fry invest in?

  6. What does Hank Hill invest in?

  7. Archer’s stock portfolio

  8. What would Homer Simpson invest in?

Which Dividend is Better?

  1. AT&T or Verizon?

  2. Vale or Rio Tinto?

  3. McDonald’s or Wendy’s?

  4. DHL, FedEx or UPS?

  5. Papa Johns or Domino’s?

  6. Which dividend is better? Home Depot or Lowe’s? (HD LOW)

  7. Which dividend is better? Coca Cola or Pepsi (KO PEP)

  8. Which dividend pays more: PM or MO?


  1. 3 high paying dividend stocks

  2. Get paid monthly

  3. Dividends = bad?

  4. How to make $500 per month from stocks

  5. $1,000 per month

  6. Tech stocks that pay fat dividends

  7. Dividend payout ratio explained

  8. Dividends with highest 5 year growth

  9. How to make $50,000 a year from Realty Income (O)

  10. Ex-dividend date explained pt 2

  11. Ex dividend date explained

  12. The benefits of DRIP pt 3

  13. The benefits of DRIP pt 2

  14. The benefits of DRIP pt 1

  15. Top 5 S&P 500 index funds according to investopedia

  16. Top 7 high yield dividend stocks according to Kiplinger

  17. Ford just gave me 17 free shares!

  18. How many shares do you need to earn $16,000 in Dividends?

  19. Five Dividend Kings

  20. Ford just paid me $300

  21. Qualified Dividends explained

  22. Make $50 per month

  23. Make $200 per month

  24. Make $12,000 three ways

  25. How to make $1,000 a month from your stocks

  26. Cheap stocks/good dividend?

  27. What is THE BEST dividend stock?

  28. Is the dividend safe?

  29. Starbucks just gave me $212 

  30. Taco Bell just gave me $228

  31. Dividend portfolio example

  32. Dividend aristocrats and dividend kings

  33. Should you invest in HYLD?

  34. Make $24,000 from dividends three ways

  35. Ford’s dividend

  36. This is THE dividend video you need right now (SPLG)

  37. Is the dividend safe?

  38. Make $24,000 a year

  39. Canadian stocks

  40. Investing for the long term

  41. Four dividend paying growth stocks

  42. Buy Altria stock before August 26th? (MO)

  43. Dividends and Taxes

  44. Dividends are an incentive to own stock

  45. I get paid by all of these companies

  46. Monthly dividend paying stocks

  47. Investing in a bear market

  48. Dividend kings

  49. Monthly dividend ETF

  50. Dividend king with a 20B Market cap

  51. AVGO’s dividend is $16.40 per share

  52. 3 months later

  53. Analyzing ZIM Shipping

  54. How to invest in Real Estate without actually investing in real estate

  55. How to make $2,000 a month from dividends

  56. Five dividend paying stocks under $50

  57. What are some good investments

  58. Investing in dividends

  59. 5 recession proof ETFs

  60. 5 dividend stocks

  61. Invest like Buffet

  62. These companies will give you money for investing

  63. Low risk dividend stocks under $20?

  64. Looking for the biggest five year dividend growers?

  65. Stocks with the highest 5 year dividend growth

  66. 8 monthly dividend stocks

  67. Reinvest your dividends or no?

  68. Dividends explained

  69. Is this the best mock dividend portfolio?

  70. Can you make your own Universal Basic Income (UBI)?

  71. Only five of these stocks exist

  72. 10 highest paying dividend stocks

  73. Dividend minsconceptions 

  74. Make your own Universal Basis Income

  75. Is 2024 the year of the dividend?

  76. Dividends exist to pay back your initial investment?

  77. 10 stocks with a Dividend Safety Grade of A or Higher

  78. Could these 8 companies slash their dividends in 2024?

  79. Monthly dividend stocks

  80. Dividend companies for 2024

  81. 7 dividend stocks with 25+ years of growth

  82. $935,000 into MCD stock 10 years ago

  83. 10 stocks with a dividend safety of A

  84. $10,000 in Mastercard

  85. Ford’s one time special rivian dividend

  86. How to enroll in DRIP

  87. How to make $10,000 per year

  88. $2802 from Ford?

  89. Monthly dividend investments

  90. 5 loser dividend stocks

  91. Kinder Morgan (KMI)

  92. $900,000

  93. We need to talk about dividends

  94. Find quality dividend stocks

  95. Make you make $500 per month with $100,000

  96. Make $800 per month

  97. How my dividends pay my bills

  98. The secret to investing 

  99. Are dividends worth it?

  100. Make $3,000 per month with $500,000 invested

  101. Is it possible to make $500 per month with $500k

  102. Is the dividend safe?

  103. Dividends paying 5% or higher?

  104. Dividends are great

  105. MO or PM?

  106. Dividend Portfolio

  107. Monthly dividends

  108. Should you ONLY invest in dividends?

Make $1,000 Per Year 

  1. Make $1,000 per month

  2. Make $1,000 from VOO

  3. Make $1,000 from Morgan Stanley 

  4. How to make $1,000 a year from Lowe’s

  5. Make $1,000 from Lockheed Martin

  6. Make $1,000 from Altria (MO)

  7. Make $1,000 from Diageo’s dividend

  8. Make $1,000 a year from Barclay’s stock

  9. Make $1,000 a year from Broadcom (AVGO)

  10. Make $1,000 a year from Lockheed Martin

  11. Make $1,000 a year from Enbridge 

  12. Make $1,000 a year from 3M’s dividend

  13. Make $1,000 from Kellog 

  14. Make $1,000 a year from Ford stock

  15. Make $1,000 a year from Energy Transfer (ET)

  16. Make $1,000 a year from Walmart (WMT)

  17. Make $1,000 a year from Nextera Energy 

  18. Make $1,000 a year from Caterpillar (CAT)

  19. Make $1,000 a year from Nintendo’s dividend

  20. Make $1,000 a year from Clorox stock

  21. Make $1,000 a year from Starbucks

  22. Make $1,000 a year from Pepsi 

  23. Make $1,000 a year from Bank of America

  24. Make $1,000 a year from Exxon’s dividend

  25. Make $1,000 a year from Altria’s dividend

  26. Make $1,000 a year from LMNT

  27. Make $1,000 a year from Blackrock

  28. Make $1,000 a year from Lowe’s

  29. Make $1,000 a yea from Lowe’s (repost)

  30. Make $300 per year

  31. Make $1,000 or $20,000 from WMT

  32. How to make $500 per month

  33. Make $100 $250 $500 or $1000 per month

  34. $500 from JEPI and QYLD

  35. Make $1,000 from ENB stock

  36. DHL, Fed Ex, or UPS: Which dividend is better?

Make $20,000 a Year 

  1. Make $20,000 per year from NPK

  2. Make $20,000 per year from Kimberly Clark

  3. Make $20,000 per year from Blackstone

  4. Make $24,000 per year from This mining stock Vale

  5. Make $20,000 per year from McDonald’s

  6. Make $20,000 per year from CAT

  7. Make $20,000 per year from JEPI

  8. You can plan for retirement or plan to work forever

  9. Make $20,000 per year from Oneok

  10. Make $20,000 per year from Clorox

  11. Make $20,000 per year from ZIM

  12. Make $20,000 per year from Rio Tinto

  13. Make $20,000 per year from Chevron

  14. Make $20,000 per year from Pfizer 

  15. Make $20,000 per year from Nintendo

  16. How are these videos helpful?

  17. Make $20,000 per year from McDonald’s

  18. Make $20,000 per year from Microsoft

  19. Make $20,000 per year from Coca Cola

  20. Make $20,000 per year from HCA Healthcare

  21. Make $20,000 per year from Verizon

  22. Make $20,000 per year from Intel 

  23. Make $20,000 per year from Realty Income

  24. Make $20,000 per year from Dollar General

  25. Make $20,000 per year from Intel 

  26. Make $20,000 per year from Devon Energy

  27. Make $20,000 per year from SPY

  28. Make $20,000 per year from Rio Tinto

  29. Make $20,000 per year from Diageo

  30. Make $20,000 per year from STOR

  31. Make $20,000 per year from UPS

  32. Make $20,000 per year from 3M

  33. Make $20,000 per year from NOBL

  34. Make $20,000 per year from VTI

  35. Make $20,000 per year from VOO

  36. Make $20,000 per year from AAPL

  37. Make $20,000 per year from Chevron

  38. Make $20,000 per year from Ford

  39. Make $20,000 per year from MO

  40. $20,000 Series Explained

  41. Make $20,000 per year from AT&T

  42. Make $20,000 per year from SCHD

  43. Make $20,000 per year from MCD

  44. Make $20,000 per year from SPLG

  45. Make $20,000 per year from Verizon

  46. Make $20,000 per year from STOR

  47. Make $20,000 per year from MCD

  48. Make $20,000 per year from QYLD

  49. Make $20,000 per year from AAPL

  50. Make $20,000 per year from Ford

  51. Make $20,000 per year from Realty Income

  52. Make $20,000 per year from SCHD

  53. Make $20,000 per year from MCD

  54. Make $20,000 per year from ENB

  55. Make $20,000 per year from ET

  56. Make $20,000 per year from HD

  57. 2023 Investments 

  58. Make $20,000 per year from from REITs

  59. Make $20,000 per year from Verizon

  60. How to make $30,000 per year from SPHD/O/JEPQ ($10,000 from each)

  61. Make $20,000 per year from PG

  62. Make $20,000 per year from Wells Fargo

  63. Make $20,000 per year from Papa Johns

  64. Make $20,000 per year from Pfizer 

  65. Make $20,000 per year from VOO

  66. Make $20,000 per year from Dr Pepper

  67. Make $20,000 per year from MCD or KO

  68. Make $20,000 per year from MO or VZ

  69. Make $20,000 per year from JNJ or PG

  70. Make $20,000 per year from AT&T

  71. Make $20,000 per year from BTI

  72. Make $20,000 per year from MO

  73. Make $20,000 per year from Rio Tinto

  74. Make $20,000 per year from Realty Income

  75. Make $20,000 per year from Microsfot

  76. Would you slap your mom for $1,000,000

  77. Make $20,000 per year from JEPI

  78. Make $20,000 from McDonald’s

Paid for by the dividends

  1. $2600 a Year on Groceries

  2. Free pizza from Papa John’s?

  3. Exxon pays for my gas

  4. Go to wrestlemania off the TKO/WWE Dividend

  5. Get an Apple Watch for Free?

  6. How to get free shoes from Nike

  7. How to get Exxon to pay for your gas 

  8. How to get Microsoft to buy you an XBOX

  9. How to get Starbucks to pay for your coffee

  10. How to get McDonald’s to pay for your weekly Big Mac 

  11. How to get Apple to buy your Airpods

  12. The average american spends HOW MUCH on Soda?

  13. How I use dividends to buy new tires

  14. What can I buy with my dividend?

  15. Buy a ford Bronco with Ford dividends?

  16. How many shares of Chipotle could I buy if …

  17. How many shares of Starbucks could I buy if …

  18. One Share Per Month: altria 

  19. Free gas?

  20. Free McDonald’s?

Stock Fight

  1. JEPI vs. DIVO

  2. SCHD vs SPHD

  3. MOO vs VEGI

  4. SCHD vs SPHD

  5. Walgreens vs CVS

  6. SPHD vs SPYD

  7. Phillip Morris vs Altria 

  8. Ford vs TESLA

  9. McDonald’s vs Wendy’s

  10. Coca Cola vs Pepsi

  11. AT&T vs Verizon

  12. Autozone vs Napa Auto

  13. SPY vs QQQ

  14. Which S&P 500 Index Fund is better VOO vs SPLG

  15. SPYD vs SCHD

  16. SPY vs SPLG vs FXAIX

  17. Dividend Funds DHS vs SCHD vs SPHD 

  18. Energy ETFs

  19. NCLH vs CCL 

  20. O vs STOR

  21. SPYD vs SCHD

  22. Microsoft vs Apple

  23. JEPI vs QYLD

  24. Advanced Auto Parts vs O’Reily Auto

  25. VTI vs VOO

  26. Dutch Bros vs Starbucks

  27. Bank of America vs SOFI

  28. UNH vs LLY

  29. SPY vs VTI

  30. ORLY vs AZO

  31. FINX vs ARKF

  32. PM vs MO

  33. QQQ vs XLK

  34. SPY vs SPYD

  35. XLK vs QQQ

  36. Altria vs Coca Cola

  37. Monster vs Celsius

  38. QQQ vs VTI

  39. QQQ vs VGT

  40. GAIN vs PDI

  41. VISA vs Mastercard

  42. Intel vs AMD 

  43. VOO vs SCHD

  44. SPYD vs SPYD

  45. VYM vs SCHD


  47. VGT vs XLK

  48. DGRW vs SCHD

  49. SCHH vs XLRE

  50. JNJ vs ABBV

  51. American Express vs Visa 

  52. Lowe’s vs Home Depot

  53. XLK vs SCHG

  54. Hormel vs Del Monte

  55. VYM vs SCHD

  56. VOO vs QQQ

  57. Coke vs Pepsi

  58. Home Depot vs Lowe’s

Recession Investing

  1. 5 recession proof dividend paying stocks

  2. Recession proof stocks

  3. Recession proof stocks insulate your portfolio

  4. You’ll never believe how much O’Reilly stock is up! 

  5. What is the best way to invest right now?

  6. Investing in a bear market (STOR)

  7. Recessions can be super wealth creators

  8. 3 recession proof ETFs

  9. 3 recession proof stocks part 4

  10. 3 recession proof stocks part 3

  11. 3 recession proof stocks part 2

  12. 3 recession proof stocks part 1

  13. Recession 2023?!

  14. Recession proof stocks

  15. Recession coming??

  16. The government changed the definition of a recession??

  17. Recession coming? 

  18. Regret selling a stock? Ask this question

  19. Do Not Wait

  20. I’m waiting for a recession

  21. Recession proof your portfolio

  22. Are we in a depression?

  23. Don’t invest! The world is ending!

  24. Should you sell stocks before a recession?

  25. My 2022 recession wish list 

  26. Recessions can create wealth

  27. Is a recession coming?

  28. Scared money don’t make money

  29. The US dollar is going to collapse?

  30. What to do when the stock market drops

  31. Should you sell your investments during a recession?

  32. How to Invest Over the Next Four Years (Trump)

  33. Panic Sell Your 401k?!

  34. Recession Investing Wishlist

  35. How to Make an Investing Recession Wishlist

Should You Invest In …

  1. Bud + Dylan Mulvaney 

  2. Altria

  3. Metaverse

  4. Rio Tinto

  5. Robinhood

  6. Lucid

  7. CF Industries 

  8. Google

  9. ARKK Fund

  10. SOFI

  11. Funko

  12. Unilever

  13. Chargepoint

  14. Palantir 

  15. Fisker

  16. Dollar General

  17. Rivian

  18. Tilray

  19. Wingstop

  20. Five Below

  21. Hanes Brand

  22. MAPS

  23. Target

  24. Snowflake

  25. Prospect Capital

  26. WWE (TKO)

  27. CSX

  28. Union Pacific 

  29. Roku

  30. Home Depot

  31. Lowe’s

  32. Netflix

  33. Costco

  34. Disney

  35. Chipotle

  36. Coca Cola

  37. Realty Income

  38. Shopify

  39. NVDA

  40. Alibaba 

  41. Berkshire Hathaway

  42. Exxon

  43. META

  44. YETI

  45. STAG

  46. AMD

  47. Intel

  48. Enbridge

  49. Verizon

  50. Fiverr

  51. Upstart

  52. Sofi

  53. NLY

  54. Fisker

  55. Google

  56. Zim

  57. Sunoco

  58. Draftkings

  59. Block

  60. CCL

  61. Invest in Politicians

  62. DNUT

  63. Semiconductor ETFs

  64. Semiconductor Stocks

  65. AT&T

  66. Paypal price target

  67. PayPal

  68. Dutch Bros

  69. Garbage Stocks (Waste Management) 

  70. Chargepoint 

  71. Shopify

  72. Insitutional ownership

  73. Fundrise

  74. Investments instead of gifts

  75. CCL One Year Follow Up

  76. Rivian

  77. Tilray

  78. UiPath

  79. Roku

  80. Energy Transfer

  81. Soundhound

  82. Reddit IPO

  83. Costco?

  84. How to find biotech stocks

  85. NYCB

  86. Is Cava the next Chipotle

  87. Carnival Cruiseline pt 2

  88. Stock Price Updates

  89. Stocks then vs Now

  90. NVDA or TSLA

  91. Dell

  92. Top 5 Burger stocks

  93. Uranium stocks / OKLO

  94. Berkshire Hathaway or an S&P 500 ETF

  95. ChatGPT and GTA6

  96. Soundhound (SOUN)

  97. CAVA

  98. What Happened to ELF Beauty?


  1. Are profits taxed if you keep them in your brokerage

  2. Investing is a long game - start early

  3. Biden cancels student loans

  4. Invest when you’re young

  5. How to invest in vices 

  6. Inverse etfs

  7. Rio Tinto’s finances

  8. Investor mindset

  9. The average Amazon user spends how much?

  10. Isn’t this the worst time to invest?

  11. How many years would it take to buy One Share of BRK.A

  12. Procter and Gamble

  13. Bank of America

  14. Apple stock up 285%

  15. Peloton

  16. What are value stocks?

  17. You can vote on your (tesla) shares

  18. Investing in Gold

  19. Market cap explained

  20. I don’t know what to invest in

  21. Airbnb stock

  22. Disney stock

  23. Starbucks

  24. How to earn 9.62% - iBonds 

  25. The yield curve

  26. The fear index explained (VIX)

  27. Arkk’s top 10 one year price targets

  28. Investments i’ve made this week

  29. How to compare any stock to the industry average

  30. The benefit of buy and hold

  31. Metaverse stocks

  32. Buffet on diversity

  33. How to create a diverse portfolio

  34. Compound interest explained

  35. How to retire with over 1.4 million dollars

  36. Why old people invest in bonds

  37. Important stock market dates

  38. The best tool in your investing arsenal 

  39. Buy now or wait?

  40. Are you diversified

  41. Invest in what you love

  42. How to invest

  43. Stock trading mistake

  44. Broad market or sector specific ETFs

  45. I just got 10 free shares of Ford

  46. What is a value trap

  47. Stock warrants explained in 60 seconds

  48. Swing with a larger bat

  49. Buy and hold: one year ago today

  50. Compounding explained

  51. First stock to invest in?

  52. Invest more to make more

  53. Cutting losses in quality investments

  54. Passive income

  55. Why i will never invest in Nestle

  56. Ethical investing

  57. Change the way you think about investing

  58. When do you take profits from long term investments

  59. Is now a good time to buy some investments

  60. Investing on a low budget

  61. How to trade and or invest in a bear market

  62. Should you take losses on long term investments

  63. Should you buy individual stocks or ETFs

  64. How many stocks should you invest in?

  65. Investing doesn’t have to be confusing

  66. What did ou do during the 2008 recession part 2 

  67. What did you do during the 2008 recession part 1

  68. Learn to trade and invest

Worst (Best) Stocks by Year

  1. Stocks that ripped in 2022

  2. Worst stocks of 2022 part 5

  3. Worst stocks of 2022 part 4

  4. Worst stocks of 2022 part 3

  5. Worst stocks of 2022 part 2

  6. Worst stocks of 2021

  7. Worst performing stocks of 2023

  8. Worst stocks of 2023

  9. Best stocks of 2023

  10. Show me the losers

  11. Stock Santa’s favorite stocks

  12. Stocks I bought in 2022

  13. Worst stocks of 2022 part 1

  14. Worst stocks of 2022 UPDATE

  15. Ten best stocks of 2024

  16. Worst stocks of 2024


  1. New Tesla product

  2. Biden and Musk are BFFs?

  3. Tesla earnings

  4. Why is TSLA stock dropping

  5. TSLA down 12%?

  6. Lords and peasants 

  7. Should you invest in Tesla?

  8. Car or Stock?

  9. Tesla earnings are out

  10. Tesla stock is up 1000% in 5 years

  11. Tesla in April vs Tesla in May

  12. Tesla’s 100 Year Battery?

  13. Tesla

  14. Tesla posts record profit

  15. Elon Meets with Joe Biden

  16. Tesla going Bankrupt?

  17. Do you invest in EV stocks?

  18. Why Tesla was up HUGE today

  19. Tesla conspiracy

  20. Tesla + Hilton

  21. Tesla vs Ford

  22. Tesla earnings

  23. Does Elon want out of Tesla?

  24. Does Tesla have an Elon Problem?

  25. Elon vs Zuckerberg

  26. Rivian and Tesla are flying today

  27. Tesla down 7% 

  28. TSLA is down, RIVN is up

  29. Tesla is NOT a Car Company

Stock Splits Explained

  1. Tesla 3:1 Split

  2. Tesla’s 3:1 Split is Coming

  3. Google stock split

  4. Amazon stock split

  5. Benefits of stock splits

  6. Stock splits mean nothing?

  7. Stock splits: buy now or after?

  8. Stock splits explained

  9. Tesla 3:1 stock split

  10. Shopify stock split

  11. Stock splits

  12. Stock splits explained

  13. $3,000,000

  14. Huge gamestop news

  15. Tesla stock is splitting AGAIN

  16. Stock splits

  17. Fractional shares

  18. Buy google now?

  19. Stock splits explained

  20. Why is google splitting?

  21. Huge google news

  22. 2024 stock splits

  23. Walmart stock split

  24. Major chipotle news

  25. Nvda earnings and a huge announcement

  26. Buy before or after stock splits

  27. Pros and cons of stock splits

  28. Should you buy before or after a stock split

  29. Chipotle’s massive 50:1 stock split

  30. Broadcom’s 10:1 stock split explained

  31. SCHD “Stock” split coming!

  32. Stocks that could split in 2025


Corporate Greed

  1. Starbucks raising prices

  2. Supply chain

  3. Controversial take on inflation

  4. Do CEOs deserve their salaries

  5. Can chipotle pay a living wage?

  6. Corporate greed


  1. I’m a sock trader

  2. Buy my course

  3. Flash stacks of cash

  4. Wrong door

  5. Wall street bets traders

  6. You need a doctor

  7. WSB diamond hands traders

  8. Memecoins will make me rich

  9. But you don’t look like a stock trader

  10. But you don’t look like a stock trader 2

  11. Twist cap to vent

  12. When i haven’t been on your FYP - ding dong

  13. Stock guru filter

  14. Year 2105 - heaven

  15. When course bros find out my content is free

  16. Buy my course!

  17. When your first stock was Gamestop and now you sell a course

  18. How to sell a stock trading course

  19. Chipotle: our food is for the rich

  20. When you check your investments

  21. When someone tells me they’re selling apple stock

  22. I was at a party

  23. What it’s like to be on Stocktok sometimes

  24. I want to get rich quick, can you help?

  25. Stock traders at parties

  26. Bull market vs bear market

  27. Freedom of speech

  28. Laziest stock trader

  29. Any last words

  30. Dang you’re sexy

  31. What technical analysis do you use

  32. Who wore it better?

  33. Watch out, the course bros are coming

  34. What would you to to become a stock trader

  35. Let’s raise a toast

  36. Buy my stock trading course!

  37. When i see stock gurus on tiktok

  38. Me when the stock market goes down

  39. This reminds me of something

  40. When you and a friend get jazzed up about crypto

  41. When someone says bitcoin will be $1,000,000

  42. Time machine

  43. When someone tells me bitcoin isn’t a stock

  44. Apple

  45. LOL OOPS

  46. On a noble quest 

  47. How did this happen?

  48. These emojis will decide my next investment

  49. Invest your money

  50. Spending problem

  51. Millennial math is …


  1. Tacos por Favor

  2. Thai night market

  3. Dan modern chinese

  4. Chelsea market NYC

  5. Scarr’s pizza NYC

  6. Best Bagel in NYC

  7. Chinatown NYC

  8. Compliments Only DC

  9. Ella’s Food and Drink RI

  10. Lobster Roll RI

  11. Wah Fung NYC

  12. Puerto Sagua FL

  13. Bantam King DC

  14. Il Pastaiolo FL

  15. Tacos FL

  16. Wyatt’s BBQ - GA

  17. Puerto Sagua FL

  18. Rosetta Bakery FL

  19. Carvel VA

  20. TikTok Grinder Sub

  21. Los Tacos No. 1 NYC

  22. Sushi Ryusei NYC

  23. Tiger Fork DC

  24. Burger rant

  25. Sumo oranges

  26. Pasta al Limon recipe

  27. MangoTok 

  28. Cactus Cantina DC

  29. Chipotle

  30. Mexicue DC

  31. Great Wall Szechuan House DC (Closed)

  32. Honeymoon fried chicken DC

  33. Shrimp scampi recipe

  34. Soup sucks

  35. Great wall szechuan house DC 

  36. Blue cheese bacon burger

  37. Homemade peanut butter cups

  38. Recipe rant

  39. Potato chip bag rant

  40. Carbonara recipe

  41. Rocklands DC 

  42. Panko and parmesan crusted chicken thighs recipe

  43. Leek and mushroom pasta gordon ramsay recipe

  44. Coffee rubbed hanger steak

  45. Easy buffalo wing recipe

  46. Food montage

  47. Carne asada recipe part 2

  48. Carne asada recipe part 1

  49. The Royal DC

  50. Tacos DC

  51. Taqueria a la placita DC

  52. Joe’s Pizza NYC

  53. Thursday Kitchen NYC

  54. Bagelworks NYC

  55. The Royal DC

  56. Estadio DC (closed)

  57. Chinese NYC

  58. Joe’s Pizza NYC

  59. Benjamin Steak House NYC

  60. Rockland’s DC

  61. Kebab Palace VA

  62. Great Wall Szechuan House DC

  63. Sfoglina DC

  64. Invest in coffee

  65. Steak n Egg DC

  66. Restaurant behind the scenes 

  67. Doi Moi / Jeni’s DC

  68. Chinese claypot recipe

  69. Croque monsieur recipe

  70. Via Ghibellina DC

  71. Falafel Inc DC

  72. Sushi

  73. Money saving tips (about food)

  74. Doi Moi / Jeni’s DC

  75. Pad Kra Pao Gai recipe

  76. Estadio DC

  77. Great Wall Szechuan House DC (closed)

  78. Kaz Sushi Bistro DC

  79. Izakaya Seki DC

  80. Lucky Buns DC

  81. Hattie B’s GA

  82. Obelisk DC

  83. Shawarma - Tbilisi 

  84. When your favorite restaurant closes

  85. Le Diplomat DC

  86. Hakasan  FL

  87. Sushi Nakazawa DC

  88. Carbonara recipe 

  89. Chipotle portion size review

  90. Oun Lido ME

  91. Invest or Consume - ME

  92. Young’s Lobster Pound ME

  93. Maine food montage

  94. Bar Futo ME

  95. Restaurante y Tacqueria El Torito CDMX 

  96. O-Ku DC

  97. The Bazaar DC

  98. Saucehouse BBQ GA

  99. Dense bean salad recipe

  100. Rosetta CDMX

  101. Why was all this food $10

  102. Carne Asada

  103. Manager Special

  104. Dinner at Ukiah

  105. Luella’s BBQ

  106. McDonald’s in Tbilisi, Georgia

  107. Pibb Zero


  1. Crypto

  2. Bitcoin a decade from now

  3. Crypto is dropping

  4. Pay for chipotle with crypto? 

  5. Dogecoin to $1?

  6. What is bitcoin doing?!

  7. SHIB

  8. Which crypto is your baby

  9. ETH and Dogecoin

  10. Am I a crypto trader now?

  11. Dogecoin to the moon?

  12. What is happening with dogecoin?

  13. I used my AMC profits to buy crypto 

  14. Dogecoin millionaire

  15. ad

  16. Vechain

  17. Crypto is dropping

  18. Staking crypto explained

  19. NFTs: Are they a fad or are they here to stay?

  20. Bito Bitcoin ETF

  21. Do I invest in bitcoin ETFs?

  22. BTC two years ago

  23. Dogecoin is up 245% is it too late?

  24. Too late for XRP?

  25. Bitcoin $100,000

Women in Finance

Women in finance to follow (many of these accounts are no longer active or creating finance content) 

Saving vs Investing

  1. Negotiate your bill pt 4

  2. Negotiate your bill pt 3

  3. Negotiate your bill pt 2

  4. Negotiate your bill pt 1

  5. How to negotiate your bill

  6. Here’s how to negotiate any bill

  7. Ways I save money

  8. Start talking about money with everyone

  9. This is not junk mail, it is a tool to negotiate bills

  10. Saving is not invest

  11. Don’t invest, just save?

  12. Saving is NOT investing

  13. Saving money

  14. Saving vs investing

  15. Investing vs saving

  16. Best High Yield Savings Accounts HYSA

  17. Saving vs. Investing

  18. Saving is not the same as investing

  19. Compounding vs asset appreciation


  1. The only stock trading book i ever read

  2. Week in the life

  3. My morning routine as a stock trader

  4. What I do when I’m not making tiktoks

  5. A week in the life of a stock trader

  6. Morning of a stock trader

  7. Day in the life of a finance content creator

  8. Ford Bronco tour 

  9. Day in the life of a stock trader who …

  10. My life story

  11. Day in the life of a stock trader, holiday edition 

  12. Buy the stuff AND the stock?

  13. A day in the life of a stock trader, sunday edition 

  14. Life of a stock trader

  15. Day in the life

  16. Art and antiques tour

  17. Going on a hike

  18. How a stock trader spends money

  19. I wake up at 9:20am as a self employed stock trader

  20. What a self employed stock trader does with profits

  21. When you tell your date you trade stocks in your pajamas

  22. When you tell your date you don’t have an office

  23. 1985 Ford Bronco

  24. My top secret brownie recipe

  25. How I use my stocks to pay for things

  26. One downside of being a self employed stock trader

  27. None for you

  28. Look how rich I am

  29. Long term aspirations

  30. 9-5 life causing physical harm?

  31. How do you live below your means?

  32. I’m a stock trader

  33. Are you a minimalist or cheap? 

  34. Is full time stock trading for you?

  35. Find balance between consumerism and minimalism

  36. Do you get nervous as a day trader?

  37. Don’t be stupid with your money

  38. Pro wrestler, restaurant industry, author, fitness industry, novelist, stock trader

  39. Look rich or be rich

  40. Workout routine

  41. Why i do brand deals

  42. Money adds up

  43. Luche libre 

  44. Hot to go - metallica 

  45. Spend 9 days with us in Mexico City 

  46. Day in the life, WWE 

  47. Come to Mexico City with Us

    Let’s go shopping

  1. Soup

  2. How many public companies can we find at target?

  3. Shop your bathroom for stocks

  4. Buy the stock and the stuff

  5. Shop your bedroom for stocks

  6. How many Coke products can we find at CVS

  7. Give me candy!

  8. How many Conagra brands at CVS

  9. Investing in tiktok sponsored videos

  10. How to invest in sponsored tiktok posts

  11. How many johnson and johnson products can I find at CVS

  12. Shop your nightstand for stocks

  13. Shop your table for stocks

  14. How many Pepsi products can I find at CVS?

  15. Shop your house for stocks to invest in


  1. Black t-shirts

  2. Live below your means

  3. What i love about living below my means

  4. How much do you need to be happy?

  5. Live below your means

  6. Live below your means

  7. Buy a little less, invest a little more

  8. Minimalism allows you to buy things you really want

  9. By not buying things, you’re not living life?

  10. Tiktok made me buy it

  11. How minimalist am I pt 3

  12. How minimalist am I pt 2

  13. How minimalist am i pt 1

  14. I love your car

  15. Minimalist rant

  16. Starbucks

  17. Do you invest in the brands you use?

  18. Everyone’s a hypocrit about something

  19. What do you spend your money on?

  20. How to live your best life

  21. Make more than you spend

  22. What are my monthly expenses?

  23. Prioritize your spending pt 2

  24. Prioritize your spending pt 1

  25. Buy the stock, not the stuff

  26. Cyber Monday: buy the stock not the stuff

  27. Don’t buy the stuff, buy the stock instead

  28. Prime day is coming

  29. Stop keeping up with the Jonseses 

  30. 5 benefits of living below your means

  31. Spend less invest more

  32. Lifetime warranties

  33. Buy the stock not the stuff - you didn’t save money you spent money

  34. The latte isn’t even that good

  35. Black Friday Deals

  36. Buy the stock not the stuff

Stock trading

  1. Bollinger bands explained

  2. Bollinger bands explained pt 2

  3. Bollinger bands explained pt 3

  4. MACD explained pt 2

  5. MACD explained pt 1

  6. Moving averages explained pt 3

  7. Moving averages explained pt 2

  8. Moving averages explained pt 1

  9. Technical analysis follow up pt 1

  10. Technical analysis walkthrough 

  11. Technical analysis 

  12. Cup and handle explained

  13. Small gains add up

  14. Swing trading microsoft stock

  15. What is the 13/48 EMA Crossover

  16. Entry and exit strategy as a stock trader

  17. What does momentum look like

  18. How to find stocks that gap up or gap down

  19. How to trade gap trades

  20. My latest stock trade - 14% gain

  21. More charts!

  22. Technical analysis can guide you

  23. How to use trading ranges

  24. Trading range

  25. How to trade stocks

  26. Fibonacci retacements and bitcoin

  27. Using technical analysis to find trading ranges

  28. What does overbought means

  29. MACD explained in 60 seconds

  30. How I find new stocks to trade

  31. What does consolidation mean?

  32. What technical analysis I use 

  33. How to do technical analysis AND fundamental analysis

  34. Technical analysis is great but don’t forget experience 

  35. When should you sell a trade?

  36. 3 top stock indicators

  37. Relative strength index pt 3

  38. Relative strength index pt 2

  39. Relative strength index pt 1

  40. My top two favorite indicators

  41. Bollinger bands resistance

  42.  5 minute chart or 1 minute chart

  43. If you sell a trade and it goes up

  44. Should you buy a stock that has already rallied

  45. Kaboom - break out

  46. Bollinger bands explained

  47. The biggest mistake new stock traders make

  48. Bid and ask explained

  49. Sold a stock too early? Here’s a tip

  50. Bull flag explained

  51. How to trade AMC in 2024

  52. Pattern day trading rule explained

  53. Wash sale rule explained

  54. Remove emotion

  55. Day trading or swing trading

  56. $1,000 profit

  57. How to trade when you think a correction is imminent

  58. How to use finviz to screen for stocks to trade

Stock Trading Hacks

  1. How to day trade in volatile markets

  2. Stock trading hack #5 sync your charts

  3. Stock trading hack #4 pt 2 RSI watchlist 

  4. Stock trading hack #4 pt 1 RSI watchlist

  5. Stock trading hack #3 set alerts two ways

  6. Stock trading hack #2 move volume to your chart

  7. Stock trading hack #1 create alert on your stock chart

  8. Make your stock charts look better

  9. Remove emotion as a stock trader

Technical analysis

  1. What is price action?

  2. Hollow and full candlesticks - what do they mean?

  3. Chasing stocks can make you rich?

  4. Most of the stocks I trade are under $10

  5. Rules for new stock traders

  6. Swing trading amazons tock

  7. Swing trading Mcdonald’s stock

  8. Day trading walk through

  9. $701 in 18 days with AMC

  10. How to scalp trade AMC

  11. Fibonacci retracements 

  12. Bounce play vs dead cat bounce - what’s the difference

  13. Candlesticks explained - all wick/no body, all body no wick?

  14. Bull flag pattern explained

  15. Candlesticks explained

  16. How to improve the look of your stock chart

  17. Edit your flexible grid 

  18. My stock trading set up

  19. Difference between 50 day and 200 day simple moving average

  20. Mind the gap

  21. Trendlines - who cares?

  22. Is technical analysis accurate?

  23. Investing vs trading - what’s the difference 

  24. How to trade between a trading range

  25. Support and resistance explained pt 5: investing

  26. Support and resistance explained pt 4: investing

  27. Support and resistance explained pt 3: investing

  28. Support and resistance explained pt 2: day and swing trading

  29. Support and resistance explained pt 1: day and swing trading

  30. Level 2 data for stock trading explained

  31. How to trade FFIE stock

Viral tiktoks 

  1. I made $10,000 on a stock trade

  2. Why i didn’t use a trailing stop on KODK

  3. Will a short squeeze make AMC stock fly?

  4. How billionaires manipulate the markets

  5. Follow recommendation

  6. Is NOK or NAKD the next GME?

  7. When should you sell your AMC stock

  8. If you made money on AMC or GME this is for you

  9. If you took a loss on AMC or GME this is for you

  10. Why are brokers restricting trades on GME and AMC?

  11. Short squeeze explained 

  12. If you are making money on GME or AMC: You will owe taxes

  13. Is WSB a revolution against millionaires and billionaires?

  14. Why i sold ⅓ of my AMC position and am YOLOing the rest

  15. Brokerages are crashing due to AMC and GME

  16. Why is AMC being halted

  17. Is BB the next Gamestop?

  18. What website I use for trading and investing

  19. Be careful with your money and who you trust

  20. Unintended consequence of AMC and GME

  21. Wrong Stock, Bruh

  22. Should you pay a finance bro to tell you what to trade

  23. Can you become a millionaire by trading stocks?

  24. AMC Short interest

  25. Good Soup

  26. AMC Halted

  27. “I can’t believe I sold”

  28. Pumping shit stocks

  29. 33 year old dogecoin millionaire

  30. $800,000 tax bill

  31. Coinbase is dropping

  32. Coinbase direct listing 

  33. GME be like …

  34. Buy the stock not the stuff

  35. What is a stock you regret NOT selling

  36. Cannabis stocks

  37. Why i don’t like Robinhood

  38. Ouch! AMC and GME

  39. Why I liked AMC before WSB

  40. My AMC price targets