
I teach my 380,000 TikTok followers and 180,000 Instagram followers how to invest and trade stocks . wanna learn more? Check the links below:

Recession Proof Stocks?

Recession Proof Stocks?

In recessions, high growth stocks usually get wrecked. They don’t always have huge cash reserves. They don’t have a proven track record of riding out storms or market volatility. And rising interest rates kill off cheap money, which they rely on as they take loans to build out their business.

When these things change … they can get crushed. Boring, stable companies that provide solid dividends, have ample cash reserves, and not a lot of growth might not seem exciting. But if your portfolio is comprised of all growth and tech, and a recession pops up, I promise you’re going to be glad you have a diverse portfolio.

Recession proof stocks does not mean the stocks won’t go down. They might! They just won’t go down as much as the high growth stocks. And if you’re getting a dividend … and reinvesting the dividend, you’re adding more shares at a potentially discounted rate. That’s a win for the long term.

What are some recession proof stocks? Check this video (and don’t forget to smash that follow).



Expense Ratios Explained

Expense Ratios Explained