Warren Buffet is SELLING! Should YOU??
I want you to remember one thing: Recessions are wealth creators. During recessions, millionaires and billionaires explode their net worth. Why? Because they KNOW recessions are temporary. We have a 100% recovery rate. Why else? Because they’re wealthy and they’re fortunate enough to be able to seize the opportunity, which yeah, most regular people can’t afford to do.
BUT: Should you be panic selling just because Warren Buffet is taking profits and sitting on record amounts of cash? He IS a 94 year old billionaire. We should follow his lead, right?
Buffet is:
A billionaire
The CEO of a trillion dollar conglomerate
You are none of these things. You are:
A retail investor
Not a billionaire
Not a CEO of a trillion dollar publicly traded company
When the scared money (inexperienced, new investors) rush out of the markets, the smart money rushes in. A 20 or 30 year old sitting on piles of cash because they’re worried about the next few years is a LOSER’S MOVE. Sitting on bonds and cash is a GIGANTIC missed opportunity.
Just stay the course. Remain consistent. And IF you’re fortunate enough to do so, stash a little more cash on the sidelines and formulate that investing wish list NOW so you know what to do when markets drop.
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