
I teach my 380,000 TikTok followers and 180,000 Instagram followers how to invest and trade stocks . wanna learn more? Check the links below:

I Was Eavesdropping At the Pool ...

I Was Eavesdropping At the Pool ...

We were at the pool, so naturally I’m tryna eavesdrop. It was the usual stuff. “Biden is a communist.” “Did you see the game this weekend?” And then a group of college kids started talking, naturally, about how they’re terrified of the future.

One kid was going for their PhD and realized the sobering reality: “Life is gonna suck for like 10 years. But then it’ll pick up. Maybe? I hope.”

What was I gonna do? Walk over to them and say hey, I just wrapped a six month partnership with Monarch Money, the all in one finance app that allows you to budget, see all of your finances, collaborate with a partner or roommate, and even save for future goals, like … avoiding poverty.”

Monarch’s Goals feature is like a modern day vision board. But instead of just crossing your fingers and trying to manifest a better life, you can also contribute to your goals. And speaking of manifesting, I was manifesting that those college kids would open up TikTok, see my video on their FYP, and smash the follow. But not everything can be as easy as Monarch Money’s app.

Lame pitch for you to click on the link and download it, right? But that’s the best I’ve got:

Looking for Influencer Marketing? Try This Instead ...

Looking for Influencer Marketing? Try This Instead ...

Dividend School is in Session

Dividend School is in Session