
I teach my 380,000 TikTok followers and 180,000 Instagram followers how to invest and trade stocks . wanna learn more? Check the links below:



So you want to become a stock trader! Just sit right there and I will promise you millions of dollars, an Aston Martin, and a mansion so big you won’t know what to do with yourself. All for the low, low cost of four easy payments of $$$. Just listen to me brag about making money hand over fist. And then watch my cutaways to my former students, who brag about making money hand over fist. And then watch my cutaways to my current students, saddled with debt, sick parents, or a mortgage they can’t afford and marvel at how easy it was for them to turn a few thousand into hundreds of thousands in no time!


The reality is, these are bullshit infomercials, just like they were in the 90s. They’re scams to take your hard earned money and overwhelm you with books and courses and DVDs or downloadable content so massive that you feel as if you’re getting tremendous value, when in reality, the seller knows full well you will never, ever find the time to go through their poorly planned course work. Why bother spending too much time really offering incredible content when they know you won’t even look at it?

Oh, sure, you could return it for your money back. But your intentions to learn are there! You really WANT to learn. You just don’t have the time. And so, those books will sit in your closet for years until one day, you have a yard sale and decide to sell them. And you’ll lose all of your money.

(Funny how people say you can lose all of your money trading stocks, but you can also lose all of your money wasting it on material items, whereas with stocks, you can always use a 5-10% stop loss to recover the majority of your investment.)

The reality is (Pt. 2), you don’t need a course. No one needs a course for anything, nowadays. The internet is your course. And most everything you need is free, like my ::cough cough:: YouTube channel.

The reality (Pt. 3) is that you will NOT be making millions trading stocks. You need money to make money (I’d recommend starting with $10,000). If you buy a $3 stock and it goes up .50 cents and you purchased 1,000 shares, you make $500. Nothing to sneeze at. But you’re not making millions.

The way to look at stock trading is like this: Can I make about what I make right now (or frankly, even a little less) in my pajamas trading stocks instead of waking up at 6am, showering, eating breakfast, sitting in rush hour traffic, going to an office full of dip shit morons, attend meeting after meeting, get a little pointless work done, and then go home only to do it all over again?

Why a little less, even? Because we are putting quality of life over work and consuming material goods. You’ll be driving less. You won’t have to wear suits and ties or dresses. No more lunches out. No more $6 lattes every day. You will be spending less. It is actually OKAY to make less if you’re living more.

We have to stop treating trading stocks like this thing that is only for the wealthy … or something that we’re only interested in doing if we’ll make millions. Very few traders make millions trading stocks unless they already have millions to trade with. That isn’t the goal (although it’d be nice). The goal is to work from home, for yourself, by yourself, in your pajamas.

You don’t NEED to buy an overpriced course. You just need to watch ::cough cough:: my YouTube channel, read this book and this book and start INVESTING first. Gradually, you can move to trading. You can do it all by yourself. You can teach yourself, mostly for free. And you can do it all without making someone rich by buying a course you’ll never use 😉